“The course was facilitated so well by Kate”
“I found the road traffic offences extremely relevant as we are all road users and get careless”
“Would love a follow up to this course”
“I found all aspects of this course so informative and enjoyed coming every Monday night”
“Every week I learnt so much especially in relation to Succession and making a Will”
“The handouts were fantastic and she was so organised throughout the six weeks”
“Such a nice manner”
“The piece on squatters right and also Kate simplified words that I’ve been hearing my whole life but never understood”
“Simple clear and precise language used at all times by Kate”
“It was excellent”
Glenbrohane Community Group, Co. Limerick
“This course takes the fear I have of Solicitors away”
“Will not be afraid to ask the pertinent questions again”
“Came away with a grounding knowledge of my legal rights”
“A follow on course would be great”
“Kate was excellent in her presentation skills and on delivering the topics each week”
“So approachable and sensitive with information”
“Would love Kate to run a course on Family Law she had such knowledge on it”
“Amazed at the new laws on Civil Partnerships”
“I loved the glossary of terms which was given out on the first night”
“Pitfalls to making a will so interesting and relevant to every single person”
“It was the first course that I didn’t miss any night”
“Kate was excellent, well prepared and approachable”
Glenroe Women’s Group, Glenroe, Co. Limerick
“I found the lecture on family law fantastic”
“I would love to attend any other lecture Kate does in this area”
“Very useful information for landlords and tenants”
“I am far more aware of my rights as a consumer and would have no hesitation in carrying them out”
“Sales and your rights was so informative as I never knew where I stood with sale items”
“All session were very beneficial especially wills and land registry”
“Finally know how to read my folio and file plan”
“Never knew what the small claims court did she delivered this information fantastically”
Bagenalstown Women’s Group, Bagenalstown, Co. Carlow
“The most enjoyable aspect of the course was the lady presenting it and her lovely manner”
“Would love to see the course extended”
“Never thought a Solicitor could be so friendly”
“Tutor was excellent, amazing at explaining things”
“All the topics were very relevant to my daily life “
“Presented so well and very thorough in her notes”
“I found the driving offences and procedures most relevant”
“The piece on personal injuries was most interesting”
“The law is such a complex subject however Kate made it so uncomplicated”
“Her own personal stories and experiences were fantastic plus she always opened the floor for anyone to tell their storey”
“Any question I ever put to her was answered with such ease”
“I would love a follow up course”
“Flights and your rights topic very interesting and so apt in today’s aviation climate”
“Very patient tutor and listened very carfully to everyone”
“If anyone else would like to do this course I would advise them to do it definitely, I learnt so much”
“Could not miss a session”
“Invaluable learning experience for me”
“Great to see Grandparents rights covered for custody and guardianship”