Secondary School Workshops

Leaving Certificate

Applied law workshops (e-learning online course/blended learning onsite).


Tailored law workshops (e-learning online course/blended learning onsite).

Junior Cycle short course

Junior Cycle short course – mandatory ‘Wellbeing Curriculum’ life skills programme.

Junior Cycle

Short courses around Social, Personal and Health Education

Young People & the law

(Junior school students, e-learning course)

Privacy and Social Media the Impossible Right?

Social Media and legal implications

Cyberbullying & online etiquette

For young people onsite and e-learning.

Junior and Senior students

What Sexual Relationships and Consent means to todays student.

In addition, with the new junior cycle short courses curriculum, we can help you devise greater flexibility in preparing an active learning environment for students.

We undertake to work parallel with each schools’ requirements to design and develop workshops that respond to the needs of each junior cycle group and understand the creation of a lifelong learning skill.

We tailor workshops to work with Youthreach learners throughout Ireland and can guide them through the e-learning interactive course ‘The Law Uncovered’.

Trusted and professional tutors will deliver all the relevant content with years of experience working with teenagers.

All our tutors are Garda Vetted.

All the above workshops are run over a 1 to 2-hour period.
We cater for individual class sizes and can also accommodate larger groups.

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